What took place in Sept;2007,When the military junta in Burma crushed the peaceful demostrations by the Buddhist monks unprecedented .Not only in Burma history,but also in the context of the cultural history of the country as well.
Although monks in the past,during the colonial period of the British ,and the Japanese occupation in 1942-45,were killed because of their involvement in political matters,never in the history of Burmese people,have so many Buddhist monks been brutally killed,beaten,and shown absolute disregard by those in power who are,and call thwm self Buddhist.It is sad and dark chapter of Burma's history indeed.
Monks who were helped by leader and prominent members of other faiths,such as Musilem,Christran,Sikh, Hindu,and all religious,were also threatend by military for rendering assistance to the buddhist monks.Report about prominent members of other faiths who are also being harassed and intimidated by the regime continually are frequent amongst the communities,within and outside the country.
This atrocious situation is the reality in Burma today.This is why the monks and the organizing committee of the saffron strength robe people's Movement would like to urge leaders and adherents of the Buddhist faith, and all other faiths ;Muslen ,Christain,Hindu ,Sikh and all realigious to truly see what the military towards all regilious faiths is without doubt a chilling and tragic fact.
Therefore,members of all faiths within and the country,we seek your help in this struggle;to rid Burma of a military regime that has descended to the lowest of the low;for killing monks who dared to call for change for the better of the peoples of Burma.
The organizing committee for the Saffron Robe People's Movement of Burma.
Dated 26 DEC ,2007.
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